Courses and Tutorials
Synopsys curricula for Bachelor and Master Programs in IC design and EDA development
Rob A. Rutenbar, coursera VLSI CAD Part I: Logic and VLSI CAD Part II: Layout
Steven Nowick, Columbia CSEE E6861y: Computer-Aided Design of Digital Systems
Yibo Lin, PKU 04834590: Optimization and Machine Learning in VLSI Design Automation
Kurt Keutzer and Sanjit A. Seshia, UC Berkeley EECS 244: Introduction to Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits
Song Chen, USTC VLSI-CAD: VLSI Design Optimization
Sung Kyu Lim, Georgia Tech ECE6133: Physical Design Automation of VLSI Systems
David Z. Pan, UT Austin EE 382V: VLSI Physical Design Automation
Sanjit A. Seshia, UC Berkeley EECS 219C: Formal Methods: Specification, Verification, and Synthesis
Chung-Kuan Cheng, UCSD CSE245: Computer Aided Circuit Simulation and Verification
Zhiru Zhang, Cornell ECE 5775: High-Level Digital Design Automation
Robert Brayton, UC Berkeley EECS 219B: Logic Synthesis for Hardware Systems
Alan Mishchenko, UC Berkeley EECS 290A: Advanced Methods in Logic Synthesis and Equivalence Checking
Priyank Kalla, U of Utah ECE/CS 5740/6740: CAD of Digital Circuits Logic Synthesis and Optimization
Adnan Aziz, UT Austin Introduction to Logic Synthesis
Charlie Chen, UW-Madison ECE902: Optimization, Modeling, and Simulation for VLSI CAD
AI for EDA